Senin, 18 Februari 2013



Bono Beach Tourishm

Bono Beach is the most famous beaches in Sumatra and even Nusantara, no one knows whether the coastal edge Bono compared the other shore? hmm ... Waves, it must have been the attraction for travelers and tourists from various countries around the world. The beach is a meeting between the ocean currents off the Kampar River is located in the village of Teluk Meranti. In the spring tides, the waves on the beach Bono can reach 4 to 6 feet high, the wave height is very little found in Indonesia. Bono waves surfing as one object. So many tourists are interested in surfing at the beach, do not miss the beautiful natural scenery make the beach Bono is very much visited by tourists.

2.      Waterfall Nature Aek Martua 

Waterfall Nature Aek Martua

Aek waterfall Martua teletak in Rokan Hulu Bukit Barisan Mountains region. Nuance cool and ademnya with dazzling panorama makes Aek Martua into objects worthy of our visit. Aek Martua waterfall has three levels and most people refer to as a waterfall a thousand stairs. Panorama emanating from this waterfall is like clear water with mineral water and moist air atmosphere. From the entrance of this type to reach Millennial Falls Ladder, we had to walk across the suspension bridge and pass through the protected forest as far as 3 to 7 kilometers from the base of the hill, then we will have grave Cipogas ascetic way. Protected forests that add to the atmosphere as well as eye refreshing breath of cool air.

3.      Thirty Hill National Park

 Thirty Hill National Park

Thirty Hill Park area is a hilly area surrounded lowland diversity of endemic plants that have high value. In the garden is a wide variety of ecosystems that inhabit this region even for flora and fauna that are endangered. Types of flora are very often found among Jelutung, red latex, Pulai, Kempas, even the rare Rafflesia flower also has a habitat in the park. Sedangakan mammals is very interesting is the Sumatran tiger, tapir, honey bears and 151 species of birds. In the park there is an area called the Water Black In. Scour the river and watch the water flow of the life of flora and fauna around. Black water is the habitat of the Sumatran tiger development. There is also Tembelung smoky. Also do not miss the panoramic view of the waterfall, bathing and observation of plants around. The best visiting season every year in March s / d in July. Well, turns out the park is also a tourist destination is very fascinating and we have to go.

4.     Attractions: The History and Religion

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