Minggu, 24 Februari 2013


1.     Grand mosque offerings

Grand mosque offerings

a tourist spot located in the old offerings. Where there are an old mosque to witness the history of the province of Banten. In the mosque that we can see the remnants of the Islamic empire in the offerings first. In addition, around the grand mosque offerings there are also the tombs of religious leaders and fighters first. Which is often the visit or a place of pilgrimage of the public offerings. This resort is very suitable for us who want to get religious tour and learn the history of Islam in Banten province.

2.     National Safe Ujung Kulon

National Safe Ujung Kulon

National Safe Ujung Kulon - Badak

National park Ujung Kulon is one of the national parks and nature conservation in Indonesia. National park Ujung Kulon consists of small islands bebarapa the habitat of the animals. And that are excellent in this park is the one-horned rhinoceros. Habitat of rare animals which are now highly protected by the state. Since the park's Ujung Kulon consists of small islands. So the location is also adjacent to other islands such as Peucang Island, handeuleum island, and the island and Panaitan. To reach the park, we can use the boat from Labuan region. And on this island there are also lodging, communications advice and a wide range of facilities that are provided to the tourists

3.      Two Island / Island Birds

Buffalo chicks

 Two Island / Island Birds

 Two Island / Island Birds

if we want to enjoy the underwater beauty. Then the island two or commonly called bird island is the right choice for berrekreasi. The island has a remarkable beauty of the sea, which is not less beautiful as in other places are already known. In addition to having the underwater beauty, the island is also always visited each year by a variety of bird species. There are about 60 species of birds from various countries who arrive on the island sometime in April and August. So, if we come at the right time. We can enjoy the beauty of the underwater island besides also we can see a wide range of birds from the bright island nation located in the province of these offerings.

4.      Island Hermit

Island Hermit

Island Hermit

hermit island located in the coastal region Pandeglang. What island is adjacent to the tourist area cape dimples. This island has an area of ​​5 hectares, and if we want to feel the sensation of a private island. Then the hermit's island could be an alternative tourist spots we visit. On this island, there is a resort styled with a natural artistic touch, equipped with meeting rooms, cafe, spa, business center, sunset lounge, beach club, swimming pool and so on. In addition, available facilities and recreational water sports, jogging track, cross country, tennis court, karaoke, and others. We can go to this island with relative ease. So cocoklah for us who have the hobby of traveling in the beach area.

5.     Mount Krakatau

Mount Krakatau

Mount Krakatau

Who is not familiar with the eruption in 1883 had horrendous world. Where the effects of the volcanic eruption that could be felt up to the euro. And the voice came to the continent australia eruptions. Yes, that's a mountain that lies in the waters of the Sunda Strait Krakatau mountain. Krakatau volcanic explosion in 1883 is a silent witness to the enormity of the disaster in the region. But now Krakatau mountain has become a tourist spot for adventure lovers. Tourist spot is a favorite for foreign tourists. Because of its uniqueness and challenges offered by Mount Krakatau's. After the eruption in 1883 that, Krakatau volcanic mountain is now mumunculkan new song called Krakatau mountain children. Mount Krakatau's child still akitf until now, and become tourist attractions are also in the Sunda Strait waters. So cocoklah Krakatau mountain tours for adventurous lovers.

6.      Rawadano


a nature reserve located in the district of attack. Yes, it's the place rawadano. A beautiful nature reserve nan fascinating. Sights pity if we do not visit if we visited the province's offerings. Rawadano is a place dominated by swamps and lakes are in the middle. Tourist area has an area of ​​2500 hectares are covered with various kinds of trees. The charm of its own nature reserve owned rawadano This is what the main attraction for this resort.

7.      Baduy Tribe

Root Bridge

Baduy tribe house

a tribal village for many - years in offerings. This tribe called tribe Baduy. Baduy tribes and villages that often become tourist attractions in the morning the travelers who visited the province of Banten. Baduy tribe is still keeping the customs and culture. The purity of the culture and customs into something unique. And attract the tourists to visit. Tourist area located in the district Pandeglang also is a tourist place suitable for students. Since we can vacation while learning Baduy tribe's customs.

Support by : http://www.kaskus.co.id

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