Selasa, 19 Februari 2013


1.      Sekar Blue Lake

Sekar Blue Lake

The lake is located around Yosemite Village Sekar Blue Salim Housing Sub Jebus West Bangka Regency. The last few years the race was held around the lake include Motorcross. This place is very beautiful and interesting sights made​​. But the lake is blue, so a bit strange but not because of the legend was nothing, just a natural event, it may be the reflection of sunlight into the base under a walled ground kaolin (clay quarry tin). But no matter how exciting the Blue Sekar made ​​attractions West Bangka.

2.       Beach Mouse

Beach Mouse

Beach mouse located in the village Rebo Boxwood Village, District Sungailiat. The beach is still natural, interesting enough to visit. Concave shape beaches, white sand nan smooth, alluring tourists to come visit again.

3.      The charm of coast of Tanjung

The charm of coast of Tanjung

Pantai Tanjung Pesona terletak di Desa Rambak, Kecamatan Sungailiat. Berjarak 9 km dari kota Sungailiat. Pantai ini berada ditengah tempat antara Pantai Teluk Uber dan Pantai Tikus. Pantai ini mempunyai panorama laut lepas, diatas tanjung dengan bebatuan yang besar. Pantai ini juga telah dilengkapi fasilitas wisata, dengan klasifikasi hotel berbintang tiga.

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