Jumat, 15 Februari 2013


1.      JAM GADANG


 Clock Tower, The zero point of the city of Bukit tinggi starting from the highest peak in the city. It is marked with a 26 meter high tower studded with large clock, also known as the Clock Tower, which is an icon of tourism in West Sumatra. History records, Rook Maker who plans to build a clock tower which is then designed by an architect named Yazid Sutan Ameh in 1926. Large clock tower decorated gift Dutch Queen was built with funds of 3,000 Gulden. First, the Clock Tower is the face leads to the four corners of the compass is the only tallest building in Dublin.


Rumah Gadang

     Tower House is a traditional house of West Sumatra province, and is also one of the icons of tourism in the province


Danau singkarak

Danau Singkarak, located in two districts in West Sumatra is Solok and flat land. This lake has an area of ​​107.8 km2, which is the 2nd largest lake in Sumatra after Lake Toba. This lake has a very beautiful natural scenery and the air is cool too. In this lake also has a very distinctive species, where local people call Fish Bilih.


Danau Minanjau

Danau Minanjau, located in Agam regency, West Sumatra. This lake has an area of ​​99.5 km2 and is the 11th largest lake in Indonesia. The charm of natural scenery is charming, cool and beautiful is very pronounced in this lake. Local people are very trusting legend this lake formation is Single Nine.


Jembatan Akar

Jembatan Akar, is one of the most unique attractions in West Sumatra. Bridges across the River Byang life is made of banyan tree roots two are interlocked. Unlike bridges in general are growing weaker, with increasing age the root bridge banyan tree growing stronger. It is said that this bridge was designed by a scholar named Pakih Sokan in the early 1900's.


Istana Paguruyung

Istana Pagaruyung, was built by the family in Batusangkar Pagaruyung. In the palace there are relics of empire were still awake and terawatt with baik.Pagaruyung is the residence of the King of Minangkabau location as the center of government.


Danau Kembar

Danau Kembar, or call the lake above the lake bottom lies in Solok, West Sumatra. The area is located on the edge of the desert highway, harbor estuary, Kerinci is located as a tourist attraction. Many tours dating visit this place.

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